What is this repository for?

This is the README of the SNP-Seek Web interface source code repository site in The application is written in Java, using Hibernate for ORM, Spring-MVC framework, and ZK for the viewers. There are separate repositories for the backend Oracle and data generation pipeline scripts.

How do I get set up?

Eclipse Project organization

The project files are organized in these folders and packages. Javadoc documentation is also available in

Source code organization and software architecture

The Java source codes are organized into these major packages

    org.irri.iric.portal            global configurations, utility functions
    org.irri.iric.portal.domain     domain objects interface, used by all services
    org.irri.iric.portal.dao        data access object interface, used by all services
    org.irri.iric.portal.genotype   SNPs and Indels queries
    org.irri.iric.portal.variety    variety phenotype and passport data queries
    org.irri.iric.portal.genomics   gene loci, gene ontology queries
    org.irri.iric.portal.gwas       GWAS analysis modules       DAO and Domain implementation for data stored in Oracle using Chado schema
    org.irri.iric.portal.hdf5       DAO and Domain implementation for data stored in HDF5 format         web services
    org.irri.iric.portal.admin      manages workspace, users

The web application follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. There are currently four major functionalities of the application: genotype query, variety query, gene loci query and user workspace management, which is organized in:


Within these packages are .service and .zkui subpakages. Each service has a facade interface, which serves as an entry point for the domain. To make the user interfaces, web interfaces and WS-API independent of the actual data sources, the viewers, controllers or web services should use only these Facade interfaces:


Each method of these facade call other Service objects, which implements the query logic. The service objects then use DAO or data access object interfaces to query the database.

Our web interface use the ZK framework The view controllers are in the org.irri.iric.portal.*.zkui packages which include the ZK view controller and supporting classes for the components (buttons, listboxes, tables, checkboxes, etc.) in the user interface. The interface termplate itself is defined in the *.zul files in /WebRoot

The web services API are implemented using Spring REST Controller to map URL paths to service and facade methods. There are currently three major web services:     For methods in *GenotypeFacade      For methods in *VarietyFacade        For methods in *LocalAlignmentService

To hide or add more attributes, or change data types to the response objects, WS-specific entities are implemented to wrap the DAO-generated entities. These web service response objects are defined in

The WADL file which can be used to generate client objects, is generated automatically by Spring from the defined mappings. This file is also used to generate the API documentation. The file /WebRoot/api-docs/application-api-docs.json is such documentation in Swagger-json format, can be viewed by swagger-ui in

Every data store should implement the Domain and DAO interfaces for each data it can provide. These are the currently implemented data stores:

    org.irri.iric.portal.chado.*    To access Oracle with Chado schema
    org.irri.iric.portal.hdf5.*     To read HDF5 genotype files
    org.irri.iric.portal.flatfile.* To read ASCII genotype files

Within these packages are subpackages:

    *dao        where the actual data retrieval is implemented, like SQL query or file reading
    *domain     holds the entity attribute values

These are classes that are frequently used by all the modules.

    org.irri.iric.portal.AppContext This class provides application-wide access to the Spring ApplicationContext. 
                                    It is used to define global application parameters. These parameters are currently hard-coded,
                                    but has the capability to be overriden with *.xml defined values.
    org.irri.iric.portal.dao.ListItemsDAO, org.irri.iric.portal.dao.ListItemsDAOImpl
                                    Iterface and an implementation to cache list of objects frequently used by the user-interface.
                                    The values are loaded from the database on first used, and then stored in a Map for fast access on next use.

This diagram summarizes the different software layers and modules for the web-application.

The updated genotype module to incorporate INDEL data and HDRA as data storage.

The relationships between the components for each modules are illustrated in the following UML diagrams.

Genotype Module

Variety Module

Genomics Module

Genotype Domain Models

All Domain Models

Genotype Query Sequence

Embedded external sites

Embedded internal sites

Some pages are generated using Java Server Pages (JSP) and embedded as IFrame to the ZK pages. The reason is that these pages extensively use javascript libraries that may conflict with ZK, which itself is in javascript. These include:

Get started with development

To develop a new module, we created a set of files to start with as templates.

  1. Copy these files then rename to the module name.


    The blank_module page uses the BlankModuleFacade defined in the org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module package. Copy then modify these into a new package using your module name.

  2. As a convention, create subpackages org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.service, org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.dao and org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.domain
  3. Implement org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.BlankModuleFacade in the service subpackage, example org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.BlankModuleFacadeImpl. Implement all data Access Objects (DAO) specific to this module in the DAO subpackage org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.dao
  4. Implement the Domain entities for the DAO's above in org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.domain. Register the new domain implementations in '/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml'.
  5. For your new module to be usable by the other modules, the DAOs in 3. and Domains in 4. above should implement the interfaces defined in org.irri.iric.portal.dao and org.irri.iric.portal.domain, respectively. If your entities are not defined in org.irri.iric.portal.domain, contact us so we can define the appropriate entities and DAOs.
  6. Write codes to implement business logic methods in org.irri.iric.portal.blank_module.BlankModuleFacadeImpl. For complex modules, you can divide the module into submodules as separate Services. In the controller and service layer codes, PROGRAM BY INTERFACE, that is, use only the Interfaces defined in org.irri.iric.portal.dao and org.irri.iric.portal.domain for variable declarations, instead of the concrete implementations.

Source code repository

The source code is stored in BitBucket using git version control. This section is a short introduction on how to clone and contribute to the code. For users unfamiliar with git, please check this tutorial.

You can use Sourcetree, GitBash, or any client you like to clone your Git repository.  These instructions show you how to clone your repository with GitBash.

  1. Navigate to the repository in Bitbucket.
  2. Click the Clone button.
  3. Copy the clone command (either the SSH format or the HTTPS). If you are using the SSH protocol, you must make sure your public key is in Bitbucket and loaded on the local system you are cloning to.
  4. Launch a GitBash terminal.
  5. Change to the local directory where you want to clone your Bitbucket repository.
  6. Paste the command you copied from Bitbucket, for example:

    $git clone

If you were successful, a new sub-directory appears on your local drive. This directory has the same name as the Bitbucket repository that you cloned. The clone contains the files and metadata that Git requires to maintain the changes you make to the source files.

On your local system, make sure you have a local repository cloned from the remote repository. Then, do the following:

  1. Change to the root of the local repository.

    cd mytestproject
  2. List all your branches

    git branch -a 

    You should see something similar to the following:

    * master
      remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

    Notice that it lists both the branches that are local and the remote branches  on Bitbucket. Using the list as reference, choose the branch you want to checkout.  In this example, the feature branch is the branch.

  3. Checkout the branch you want to use.

    git checkout feature
  4. Confirm you are now working on that branch:

    git branch

    You should see something similar to the following:

    git branch
    * feature

Going forward, all your Git commands apply to the branch. When you push the changes to your remote Bitbucket repository, those changes apply to the repository's branch.


$ git push
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 23.98 KiB, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: bb/acl: alui is allowed. accepted payload.
   0ad86b3..395d3c2  master -> master

Open your Bitbucket repository in your browser. The Overview tab shows your most recent commits in the activity stream.

As this is better explained here, please see this page

This is quite complex to discuss in a single paragraph, please refer to this link.

Using this workflow won’t really give much benefit for a single-developer project. But the more developers we add, the higher the need for organizing our workflow. So in case we get 2 or more people working on the source code, please follow the Gitflow workflow.

Who do I talk to?

For comments and suggestions, please email us at